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Thieves ram-raid luxury French store in Lille – again

This photograph taken on May 25, 2023 in Lille shows the outside of the Hermes luxury store on the prestigious rue Grande-Chaussee where robbers used a car to ram the security gate and gain entry into the store. On May 17, 2023 the Louis-Vuitton luxury store a few streets away was attacked using the same method. (Photo by Sameer Al-Doumy / AFP)

A week earlier, the Louis-Vuitton luxury store a few streets away was attacked using the same method.

Thieves on Thursday, May 25, smashed a car into a luxury store for the third time this year in the same French city to steal handbags and other valuables, a police source said.

The burglary at dawn from the Hermes shop in the northeastern city of Lille comes just days after another store belonging to Louis Vuitton was targeted some 100 meters down the road on Wednesday last week. The Louis Vuitton shop was itself already burgled in January.

The thieves on Thursday made off with clothes, jewelry and handbags, but part of the loot was abandoned on site, the source said.

They also left behind two cars, including the one used to ram-raid the shop, but police were on the lookout for a third vehicle used, the source added.

Source: lemonde
